So get yourself a pillow or something to squeeze or whatever other way you have to help with the stress because this series will get your heart racing.

Even with all of their support, can she save them, as well as Roen, her sister, and herself? Along with her strength is honor and she has won over the hearts of all of the mermen on the island as well as the maids. We finally find out what is behind the evil that inhabits the island. But I shouldn’t have been surprised since that is the pace this series has kept from the start. This book is non-stop from the beginning to the end. And she is determined to save the man she loves, no matter the sacrifice to herself.

She has done things that she never thought would be possible of her. Liv has changed so much from the beginning of this series. He doesn’t have long left so she has some important decisions to make in order to save him. All that is important, though, is finding Roen. The condition of both the mermen and the island is shocking when Liv arrives. They aren’t sure why but their days are numbered. She will confront the island and save the man she loves, even if it means dying herself. That’s why, after escaping from Shane and finally returning to the safety of home, she finds herself heading back to the evil island, El Corazon, to find both him and her sister who is still missing. But if she would have to do it all over again, she would, just to meet the love of her life, Roen Doran. Our heroine, Liv Stratton, has been through so much. The whole series is a crazy, intense, wild ride and this book was no different. I loved the first two books in this trilogy and once again allowed myself to be distracted and forgot to read the final book when it came out. A man who's said to care for nothing and no one.Merciless is book three in The Mermen Trilogy by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. Her only hope? Billionaire Roen Doran, of all people. Because they somehow believe she is their property, a gift from the ocean to do with as they please. Only, the deceivingly beautiful men who live there aren't interested in saving her. SOLE SHIPWRECK SURVIVOR LIV STRATTON had been adrift at sea for ten grueling days when salvation miraculously appeared: an uncharted island. He's just met the island's other new "guest" and something about her brings out his possessive side. And these savage, sea-obsessed warriors are quick to make their position clear: Leave now or die. But when his estranged father dies, willing him a secret island, Roen will come face to face with an even bigger secret: its occupants. He's got money and power, and he depends on no one. INFAMOUS BACHELOR and SELF-MADE BILLIONAIRE ROEN DORAN IS A BASTARD. These Evil Mermen Don't Have Tails, They're Deadly as Hell, and They've Got Something He Wants. From New York Times Bestseller, Mimi Jean Pamfiloff.